Chapter 21

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
First Nine Weeks Book Report
Third Nine Weeks Presentation
Fourth Nine Weeks Presentation
The Federalist Papers
Chapter 20-21 Questions
Chapter 25
Chapter 27 Question
Chapter 28 Questions

Walter LeFeber saw the new nature of US expansion of the 1890s and beyond as

a culmination of the early patterns. Expansionist goals change from gaining

territories for settlement to gaining points around the globe that could serve as

trading posts or military outposts.

Most Americans and presidents listened to Washington's advice to avoid foreign entanglements.

With increasing foreign trade and expanding military power, these attitudes begin to change in the 1870s.

Secretary of State James G. Blaine and others caught the urge for


The theories of Darwin, Haeckel and Fiske led many to conclude that the

Anglo-Saxon race was superior and its influence should be spread to

enhance civilization throughout the world.

Josiah Strongs Our Country became popular and increased the call for


The “Turner Thesis also spurred concern about the future greatness of the


Secretaries of State Seward, Fish, Blaine and Olney worked to foster

expansion of US empire and influence

William Henry Seward (1861-69; Lincoln, Johnson)

Pushed expansion had designs on all of North America

Secured Alaska and the Midway Islands

Hamilton Fish (1869-1877; Grant)

The non-transfer rule

Promoted the idea of independence for Cuba

James G. Blaine (1881, 1889-92; Garfield, Harrison)

Planned on improved trade with Latin America

Plans adapted by successor Frelinghuysen

Wanted to annex Hawaii under Harrison

Organized the Pan American Conference of 1889

Richard Olney (1895-97; Cleveland part II)

Arbitrated the Venezuelan Boundary Dispute in 1895

Reasserted the Monroe Doctrine


McKinley Tariff of 1890 causes economic hardship in Hawaii

Queen Liliuokalani decrees a new nationalistic constitution

Harrison's administration annexes Hawaii in 1893, but Cleveland's

withdraws the treaty and restores Queen Lil

The provisional Hawaiian govt refuses restoration

McKinley signs embattled legislation to annex Hawaii in 1898


US Navy gains access to harbor at Pago Pago in 1872

This agreement at first rejected by Senate

Approved by Senate in 1878

Germany and Great Britain also secured treaty rights in


The three foreign powers met in Berlin to negotiate

After a typhoon in 1889 damaged warships

Britain and Germany wanted to divide the islands

Eventually Germany and US divided islands

Britain agreed to land elsewhere in the Pacific

Germany claimed the two larger islands

US kept the harbor at Pago Pago

The US Navy deteriorated badly after the Civil War

Naval Advisory Board suggested sweeping changes in 1881

New philosophy suggested that naval power was key to defense

Important theorists included Alfred Thayer Mahan and Benjamin



Career Navy Officer

Head of Newport Naval War College

Wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History and The

Interest of America in Sea Power

Urged American policy makers to won the race for naval



Secretary of the Navy under Harrison

Organized the Bureau of Construction and the Naval


Pushed for steel clad battle ships with rapid fire guns and

modern torpedoes

Brought the Navy from 12th to 7th in world ranking during

his 4 year tenure

If you've got a new navy, don't you need to try it out and make sure it works?

Establishes the US as a dominant military power for the coming century.

Sugar duties were raised by 40% by the Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894)

Cubans in NYC raised $ and support for Cuban independence

Spain sent 200,000 troops to Spain to pin revolutionaries in the E

This failing, Spain sent in Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau

Gave a 10 day ultimatum for surrender

Enforced reconcentrados

US journalists wrote sensational and often exaggerated stories

US sympathies grew for the Cubans

Weyler recalled in 1897, some autonomy established

USS Maine sent to protect US assets in Cuba

Feb 15, 1890 Maine blows up

266 US lives lost

McKinley futilely tries to resist war

McKinley issues final terms to avoid war in March

War declared on Spain on April 25

War declared in April, troops arrive in June, war ends in August

McKinley asks for 120,000 volunteers 1 mile sign up

WJ Bryan, T Roosevelt, Cordell Hull, and Carl Sandburg volunteer

US has problems with transportation, supplies, cohesion of troops and


Black troops played a major role in the conflict

They experienced discrimination in training and combat

Commodore Dewey wins a battle in Manila Bay (May 1)

Marines seize Guantanamo Bay (June)

Major battles at El Caney and San Juan Hill involving TR and Rough


War lasts 113 days

5,500 casualties 379 in battle

Navy lost only 2 men one to heatstroke

A profitable few months in battle leads to gains of Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and perhaps Cuba. Spain will be compensated $20 million for the loss of their empire in the Treaty of Paris (Dec 1898). The US would maintain the care of these lands in spite of promises to the contrary. Many folks rise in opposition to the new imperialism of the US.

The war to control the Philippines is more costly than the Sp-Am War

William Howard Taft brings a measure of peace to the region in 1900

The Philippines gains independence in 1946

What rights do those in territories have?

Supreme Court says the Constitution does not apply right away

Cuba gets special attention

Teller Amendment and Platt Amendment

Secretary of State John Hay negotiates with China to open trade

US gains an Open Door after the Boxer Rebellion

The Republicans gain more popularity in the US. The US does not gain popularity throughout the world.

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