1. All the countries got together to sign a treaty against
war, but they ended up forming an alliance.
2. An active foreign policy, getting uninvolved with other
3. Sending a vast steam of war suppliers to 20 and allied
4. Were neither in solution no univolvement, but a cautious
middle course that managed to alienate friends and encourage foes.
5. Hawley-smout tariff
6. By signing an agreement opening up diplomat relations
between 2 countries.
7. Good-neighbor policy
8. They lacked raw materials.
9. Japan, U.S, Britain.
10. By over running Manchuria in a brutal act of aggression.
11A. The depression mad foreign policy seem remote and unimportant
to most Americans.
11B. The depression of war abroad served only to strengthen
the desire to escape involvement.
14A. FDR couldn’t get enough votes for the neutrality
14B. Russia
refused overtures for a common front against Germany and signed a non aggressional treaty with Hitler.
15. By proclaiming American new trality.
16. Replace the arms embargo with cash and carry regulations.
17. Germans attached in lighten my speed and devastating
18. If England told, Hitler might gang control at the British
19. England was running out of money.
20. The embargo on aviation gasoline.
21. Roosevelt suspended all Japanese assets in U.S.
22. The 14th part of the reply to Hulls note.
23. “That will line in infamy”.
24. The behavior of Germany and Japan. Pre-war military
talks; close cooperation between Roosevelt.
25. The Russians refused to pay pre-revolutionary debts.
26. The fact that the U.S and England could only offer promises
of future help and send lend lease supplies.
27. The defeat of the Japanese navy (air-lift).
28. American industry worked to capacity, more jobs; women
out of the homes and into the work force, urban military supplies.
29. Factories committed to planes, tanks and other military
30. 94% tax rate
31. They rose by 68% in 4 years.
32. Vast migration, rural areas, lost population, families
suffered from over population, schools, unable, to cove with influx of new students education crisis.
33. He compromised; Randolph end march and he created a
fair employment practrees committee.
34. An arguments broke out between blacks and whites, lending
to a not the next day.
35. Combat team.
36. Renamed their American citizenship and chase to live
in Japan.
37. At 1.2 billion for the essential 60,000 surviving Japanese
Americans declined during WWII.
38. TO received political support from organized labor.
39. Communism
40. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
41. Some argued for raison the death camps; some said that
the raids alone wouldn’t stop the killing.
43. None.
44. Had more in mind that defeat why Japan (using the atomic
bomb)… Just trying to end WWII as quickly as possible and as effortlessly as possible.