1. Stain had been in power for two decades with a caution and cunning style. Truman only was in office for
3 months.
2. Potsdam 13 a Suburio of Berlin.
3. Truman no treed that Stalin was honest but smart.
4. Russians wanted to rebuild with German industries when the U.S feared it would be saddled with the entre
cast of cawhy for the defeated germans.
5. “Because they did not agree on how to govern Europe”
6. Truman said that all the agreements made at the pulsdam were brokem as soon as stalin returned to muscow.
7. U.S and Britain wanted a “free germany while Russia wanted to persue communism.
8. Blank
9. Blank
10. By
the time Truman informed stalin about the bomb the Russians were on their way to making their own bomb.
11. Relying
on gifted subornates to handle on towards flow of Russian power.
12. Kennan
believed containments would halt the outward flow of Russian power.
13. Truman
“Scared”, out of the Americans.
14. The
containment policy was to “support free people who are resisting attempted sub jugamun by armed mimorities or by outside
15. Including
Russian marshalls offer at ard.
16. Yes
17. Nato
was formed to assure protection from the U.S
18. Truman
transferred 60 B-29s with no bombs in them to guard against soviet interruption of the Berlin airlift.
19. The
Berlin airlift was successful.
20. Must
military spending went to the air force.
21. The
republicans senators said that it was the American diplomats fault.
22. The
north Korean army crossed the 38th parallel.
23. The
police action fought unoler U.N airspices: in reality the the U.S was at war with a soviet satellite in Asia.
24. Truman
shifted from restormy the 38th parallel to the unicreation of korea by military force.
25. Blank
26. The
most significant of the Korean consiret was the massive American marment it brought about.
27. Blank
28. Foundness
for old friends.
29. His
lack of political rision
30. Had
31. The
American people responded by eleting republican majorities in both the horse and senate.
32. The
Dixie rais were southern democrats who bolted from their party to support.
33. Truman
won a narrow but decisine victory in November.
34. Huac-house
on American activities committee indfeated.
35. The
stridency and sensationalism of the senator’s accusations.
36. He
would personally go to the battlefield in an attempt to bring the Korean war to an early and honorable end.
37. Subtle
rinos to china on the passive use of nuclear weapons to break the stalemated peace talks.
38. Because
of his reckless cruelty.
39. To
end the arms race.
40. The
prevented ho chi minn from achieving an independent vieterran.
41. The
European allies invaded Europe and seized suezcanal.
42. The
CIA overthrew 6 popularly elected government in Iran, and placed.
43. The
trust artifieral satalite to orbit the earth.